Retail/CEX: NP is default, CEX * marked ones are only available when QA-flagged. Debug/ DEX and DECR/Tools allows other environments too, besides NP , Prod-QA & SP-INT. Environment, • NP Environment : Edit the environment variable to connect to the network of your choice. Examples: “ np ” : retail network. “sp-int” : developers network. “prod-qa” : production quality assurance network. Note : There are other networks than debugs can access but only QA flagged consoles can connect to them (mgmt, rc, etc…), 1/9/2011 · The np-environment is an option that lets you choose which network your PS3 is connected to. By default it is set to PSN, while developers may use one of the 52 developer-only or Sony-internal networks if they are whitelisted.
9/7/2014 · THIS IS FOR JAILBROKEN PS3 SYSTEMS ONLY!!! Subscribe Today! https:// /subscription_center?add_user=PartlyBonez What you will need: – QA Flagger…
5/6/2020 · I’ve already tried NP Environment and I’ve changed to EID5 84 (CEX) Don’t change the NP environment to SP-INT, leave it as NP as you have a CECH (Retail) PS3 , only DECH/ DECR (DEBUG/TEST/TOOL) units can access the Dev PSN Network as now you must have the PS3 whitelisted by [email protected] to access it becuase of a ton of people used to abuse the dev servers back in the.
NP Environment CEX DEX Allows you to change which environment your PS3 connects. See Environments. NP ; Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y – Fake Free Space (for CEX) CEX DEX Fake the amount of free space on the HDD, in Fake Limit Size function. Off : deactivate Fake Free Space function. On : activate Fake Free Space …
12/31/2016 · Boot up your PS3 to the XMB, make sure in debug settings that NP environment is set to “sp-int” or “prod-qa”, sign into PSN (with sp-int or prod-qa credentials, you can use the quick sign-up), and launch the game. If your in luck, it will say an update is available – download it! …