I Found You So Long Ago On An Endless Road Lyrics

I Found You So Long Ago On An Endless Road Lyrics

Endless Road Lyrics : Time can only whisper truth for both of us / All the answers I can’t find, I put my trust / In a never ending road that leads to my door / I don’t want you to go my love / That’s, Endless Road Lyrics : Well, every road I see leads away from me / There’s not a single one that leads me home / The road keeps saying, Friend, come see what’s round the bend / So is it any wonder …

And the road goes by And calls me as it goes Well, maybe somewhere there’s a someone Waiting there with a smile And maybe there’ll be a place To stop and rest awhile And maybe you weren’t meant to be Just a rolling stone And there’s a road to travel on That leads you back to home Oh, but I’ll keep travelling on Keep looking at the dawn, 5/21/2017  · Want me to repost your music?(10$ paypal)Contact me @officiallyrap@gmail.comPnb Rock- unforgettable free style ( lyrics ) Pnb Rock- unforgettable free style (…

Alison Krauss – Catfish John Chords, Tabs, Tablatures for Guitar. + Alison Krauss song lyrics . ringtone . MP3, 5/29/2011  · Time Bandits achieved great success as far away as Australia, where I’m Only Shooting Love and Endless Road (where its music video was filmed) were both …

I’ve been on this lonely road so long Does anybody know where it goes I remember the last time The signs pointed home a month ago Rented cars and empty motel rooms Lead you everywhere but home Crowds of people shouting How they love the show They don’t know The endless crowds of faces Just keep on wearing a smile The countless times and places …

And that far distant shore that’s so near They’d hear the calling And stumbling and falling They’d follow it knowing There’s nothing to fear Nothing to fear I don’t remember a voice On a dark, lonesome road When I started this journey so long ago I was only just trying to outrun the noise There was never a question of having a choice

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